
Goal Getter

A Goal Getter is someone who is tackling their goals head on and venturing outside of their comfort zone as an entrepreneur. Whether their business is brand new or a few months in, a Goal Getter does what needs to be done and perseveres through any obstacle that stands between them and their dream. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.
Are you a Goal Getter? Did you recently take a leap of faith and venture out of your comfort zone? Share your story about your business venture and let us know how it’s been working out for you. What has your experience been like? What was the hardest part? Have you gotten support? Let us know how it’s going and be an inspiration for another leap!

It’s More Than Just A Hue: Behind BLACK Magazine

The underground artists surrounding the creative depths of NYC have always motivated and inspired me to write. After taking a magazine writing course in college, I decided it was time to design something of my own. One night I was awakened by a rush of ideas. I started developing the layout for my […]

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