210: The Power of Authenticity in Business

Ever felt the weight of trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t feel quite right, just to make it in business? Well, let’s talk about flipping that script. In this solo episode of the Black to Business Podcast, our founder and host, Monique T. Marshall, dives deep into “The Power of Authenticity in Business.” Monique offers a dive into why being genuine can be a game-changer for your business and your community. For Black entrepreneurs, who often encounter unique pressures and expectations, Monique emphasizes that authenticity isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. When you show up as your true self, you not only unlock opportunities but also foster trust, loyalty, and meaningful connections with your clients, customers, and team members.
- How to question and evaluate the status quo.
- Creating a safe space for open communication.
- Leading by example with authentic actions.
- Controlling your business environment’s energy.
- Representing your community with integrity.
- Daily routines to show up authentically.
- Using authenticity to impact your community positively.
- [PODCAST EPISODE] #139: Behind The Production w/ Dayna Lynne North
- [PODCAST EPISODE] #198: Using Storytelling to Connect, Convert, and Boost Business Sales w/ Akeem Shannon
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Hey. Hey. Welcome back to another episode of the Black to Business Podcast. It’s your favorite host, Monique T. Marshall. And today is another short and sweet solo episode. And it has been a while since I’ve done a solo episode. And honestly, when I do solo episodes, I’m always thinking, okay, I should do these more, or I’m putting this goal to do so many a quarter or so many a year.
And now I’m just at the point where I’m going to do them, when I am led to do them. So today, I was led to do it, and I wanted to talk about authenticity and it being your secret weapon in business. And I’m always about, how can I share with the black to business family what’s working for me? And this is something that I’ve really been thinking a lot about lately, and it’s something that has really been working for me and just seeing how powerful authenticity is. And I think it’s amazing to realize that being true to yourself, whether in your personal life or in business, can really transform everything. So I wanted to talk about this, because as an entrepreneur, I understand that owning a business, running a business, starting a business, is hard. It can be tough sometimes. And so, for me, I’m always thinking about, how can I make this a little lighter? And I’m always thinking, what would make the most sense? So, for me, it’s about, how do I build a business where I can be authentic and be myself? Because to be honest, that’s why most people build businesses. They want to go like you don’t.
For me, I didn’t want to code switch. I didn’t want to work for anyone else. I wanted to also build something for my community. I wanted to do it my way. So I understood that, of course, my target audience are people who were once where I. Who are where I once was, or who were looking to start a business and to also show up as themselves. A lot of times, as black entrepreneurs, we come out of corporate America, we come out of these workplaces, and it’s exhausting, because a lot of times, we’ve had to put up with things or go through things that we shouldn’t have to. And a lot of times, we have to be in places where we can’t be ourselves.
So why would I build a business where I can’t be myself? And so today, I wanted to talk about this, because I do find that there are still people who struggle with showing up authentically as themselves in business, even though they built this business that they’ve dreamt of. But. Or that they set out to build this business that will give them the life that they love, but they’re not able to show up fully as themselves. So this is something that I wanted to talk about. And so today we’re going to explore why showing up authentically in business is so crucial. And we’ll also talk about the choices, why these choices matter, how they impact your journey as an entrepreneur, and most importantly, how you can leverage the power of authenticity to create the life and business that you’ve always dreamed of. And so when I think about black to business, and I’ve been doing this for years, but when I look back, I can say, like, throughout this whole journey, even though it has been hard, there hasn’t been a time where I felt like I am not myself. I’m happy because I can.
I’ve built this space where I can be myself. So even on my hardest days, I’m like, at least I get to be in my safe space, and that’s my business. So, anywho, with that being said, I have been studying some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the black community and beyond the black community. And one of the things that I’ve noticed is that authenticity is a key factor in their success. So even in past episodes, like episode 198 with Akeem Shannon, we were talking about the power of storytelling and using storytelling to connect with your audience. And one of the things that Akeem shared was his success story in emphasizing how being vulnerable and authentically, you was able to convert and boost his sales. So I think that was a lesson for you, for me, in that, okay, authenticity matters. Vulnerability is a part of authenticity.
So it was that situation that really brought forth this idea of, this is something that we have to talk about more, because, one, I understand that a lot of people do struggle with sharing their stories and showing up authentically. And speaking of podcast guests, I also had the pleasure of chatting with Dana Lynn north, the founder of Loud Sis Productions and also the executive producer of the best man final chapters. And we talked about how she is disrupting delightfully. So I love that she spoke about disrupting delightfully and what it really meant. And one of the things that she mentioned was her idea of activism and realizing that impactful actions don’t always have to be heavy. And in that conversation with her, I shared that this resonated with me because especially in those early days of black to business, I felt that if we were doing something for black people, it had to feel heavy and it had to feel tough. But I realized that that wasn’t me or that I had to show up a certain way and present myself a certain way. I just felt that it wasn’t me and that wasn’t how I wanted to show up.
So I decided to do it my way in a way that felt right for me. And I also realized that at that moment, what I could do was lead by example. And being authentic became really crucial for me in that moment because I had to step into this is not what you’re used to seeing. And I think that we felt that we had to show up a certain way because that’s what we saw. So for me, it was about, you have to be the change that you wish that you wish to see. And a part of that meant showing up authentically. Maybe it might not look so hard or tough, and that’s just my way. And it’s not to say that anyone else’s way is wrong.
It’s just I had to figure out what felt right to me. And so it became important for me to do that. And so, as I mentioned, today’s episode is going to be short, but it’s going to be packed with a lot of value. And if you don’t know my style, I love to give some tips. So we’re going to give some tips on how you can show up authentically in your business. And I want to share a little bit more stories as to how I’ve been able to do that and the success that I’ve had. So we’re going to cover the significance of daily decisions, investing in yourself, and of course, with all of this, you have to be able to embrace change. And we’ll also discuss the impact of authenticity in business and how it can also attract the right opportunities and people to your business.
So let’s get into this authenticity, because by the end of this episode, I think that you’re going to walk away with some actionable insights and some strategies that can help you show up as your true self in every aspect of your life and your business. I do think that business and life, there are a lot of similarities. So much of how I operate in business is how I operate in life. So first I want to talk about why authenticity matters so much in business. So being true to yourself isn’t just a nice to have, it’s a must have. When you are authentic, you build genuine connections with your customers, your clients, and your team members. And I think that people can really sense when you’re being real. And that’s what builds that trust and loyalty, as you may or may not know if you’ve been listening to the back to business podcast for some time.
Throughout these episodes, I’ve shared my personal journey and the experience of growing up in the rural south and not seeing many people that look like me that started businesses. So for me, it was about how do I find those people who are successful that do look like me. So that required a lot of reading, a lot of watching television shows with people who were successful. So from that, I’ve grown to continuously study those who are successful and what’s working for them. So one of the things I’ve continued to notice is that people who are really successful are truly, authentically themselves. And when I say authentic, it’s not always the nicest person, but it’s like, you know, who they. If they’re a jerk, they’re authentically a jerk. If they are the kindest person, they are authentically that.
And I think that, honestly, you can only fake it for so long. So I think that this is what is allowing them to continue to be so successful. And even if you think about some of the most successful people that, you know, they really show up as themselves, flaws and all, so they don’t put on a facade. And one of the things that I’ve noticed is that I had to, again, realize what works for me. So there are so many people that are successful who have, like, I’ve studied some people and I’ve noticed that they have this cult like following. And I remember I was watching this video, and you know how you’re watching videos and there are certain people, you’re like, okay, I love what you do, but I couldn’t do that. So it just doesn’t work for me. However, it’s like, I respect that it works for you, and I am celebrating that it works for you.
So, for example, I was watching this video one time of this lady, and she is super successful, millions of, like, constantly a successful millionaire and multi millionaire. And I was on her live one day and sis just, like, pulled off a wig and I was cracking up. But people were in the comments, and I’m a serial comment reader. If you know me, you know I love to read the comments. So I was reading the comments and they were like, yes, that’s why I love you. You know, you are so authentic. And in that moment, it was like, I love that. Because that person has found their tribe.
They found their tribe. It’s not something that I would do, but I was still a part of their tribe. There was another reason that I followed them, because they were authentic in their own way, they were doing what felt right for them. So when I speak about authenticity, I think it is really important to note that it’s about what is best for you. And it may be widely accepted, it may not be, but you will find your tribe. So that’s one of the things I notice about people who are truly successful. They always show up as their true sales flaws and all. And as I mentioned, it’s not about putting on this facade or trying to be someone that you’re not.
It’s about embracing who you are and letting that shine through everything that you do. So for me, authentic has meant being open about my journey even more. My struggles and my successes, sharing my story, my background, that was something that I used to not share. But I noticed that once I shared it, it was attracting the people who understood me. It was attracting the people who, the kinds of people I wanted to be a part of my audience. And I became more comfortable with sharing these things as time went on. It was a process for me because, one, I understood the impact that it makes to be able to share your story, because I remember being that young person growing up in the rural south and seeing how much it meant for me to hear those stories of people who were successful in business or people who were making strides in their industries. So I thought, why is this something that I’m holding back on? So for me, I became more comfortable with being open in that way.
And it allowed for me to make connections on a real personal level with people in my audience. I get emails, I get messages, I connect with people on other social platforms and just in general. So speaking of why authenticity matters in these moments, it’s because you’re connecting with others on a real human level. And you know what? That’s what people relate to. So they don’t want perfection, they want that realness. And by showing up authentically, you create a business that’s not only successful, but it’s also fulfilling. You’re attracting the right people, the right opportunities and the right clients because they resonate with who you truly are. So I just advise you to take a moment to reflect on how you can become more authentic in your business and think about what parts of yourself are you holding back and how can you let them really shine through.
So I want to give you some tips for practicing authenticity. So first, you want to self reflect. Take some time to reflect on what your values are, your strengths in areas where you feel you are not being authentic. And then secondly, you want to be honest and transparent. Share your journey, including those highs and the lows, with your audience. And as I mentioned, people really appreciate that authenticity. Now, I want to say this. In that conversation with Akeem, one of the things that I love that he also spoke about is how when you are sharing your story, do it when it feels right.
So maybe there are certain parts of your story you are more comfortable with sharing in this season of your life, and then there are some parts of your story that you may be still getting through that tough or rough patch, and it might not be the time to share that right now. And that’s okay. So I love that he spoke about sharing parts of your stories when you’re ready. And when I think about one of my online mentors, one of the things that I love that she speaks about is she’s okay with sharing the scars but not the open wounds. So what that means is if you are in a struggle season in your business and you are not out of that yet, she’s like, I’m not okay with sharing all the nitty gritty of this struggle that I’m in. I might mention it, but I would think it would be more valuable to my community once I have figured out how to get through it. And it might be. Sometimes I might share parts of it, but not all of it.
So, just doing what’s comfortable for you. And I kind of like that because I think that’s my style as well as I’m okay with sharing some of the scars, but the icky wounds, I’m not still okay with. And then thirdly, align your business with your values. It is your business, so make sure that your business practices and your decisions align with your personal values and beliefs. I think that oftentimes people forget that it’s yours so you can do what you want with it. And then fourth, embrace your uniqueness. So celebrate what makes you different and let that be a part of your brand. Now, let’s talk about challenging the norms and breaking free from outdated stereotypes.
Okay, so this idea of professionalism has evolved. And oftentimes, I don’t like to use the word professionalism because I think it’s rooted in whiteness. And I think that especially for black to business, we are redefining what business is, especially for black owned businesses. And what I want to talk about here is that it’s time to embrace that more authentic approach, so challenging these norms. So, going back to speaking about the conversation with Dana Lynn north and feeling like activism had to feel heavy. There was a time where I thought that especially in those earlier days, I had to present myself in a certain way to be taken more seriously, because naturally, if you know me, I am a person that smiles a lot. Most people are like, you are very southern, and I lead with kindness, but I also have a no nonsense personality, and that wasn’t the way that I wanted to show up. So I was like, okay, I’m not gonna show up in this way.
And I didn’t show up for a while until I really figured out, how can I make sure that I can be a representation of myself, but then also show people that what you thought that a black business owner had to show up and look like, had to act like is not what it is. So I I am an example of that. So a part of challenging the norms is oftentimes we have to also check ourselves. And I think that when we embrace who we truly are and say, okay, this is the route that I’m gonna take, and this is the precedent that I’m gonna set. We also encourage and empower our teams to show up as themselves as well, because you are the leader. So, again, leading by example, and this is what I think creates a fun work environment. So one of the values of black to business is we work hard, well, we work smart, and we also prioritize having fun. And especially when I work with interns in the summer a lot, these are people who have no.
Probably little to none work experience. So they’re entering the. This is their first time entering the workforce. And I’ve seen this feedback of, they don’t know what to expect, and it’s just to see, like, a weight lifted off their shoulders when they feel that they can show up in black to business and be themselves. And I think I have continued to witness the creativity shine through. So, with black to business, we are continuously challenging these norms. So I’d advise you to think about one area in your business where you can challenge the norm and be more authentic, like showing up as a leader who is approachable, showing up as a leader who’s open to feedback and feedback from your team, not always having to feel like you’re right. And maybe it’s how you communicate with your clients or how you present your brand.
And by making this change, you can create a more genuine and impactful business. So you might be thinking, okay, what are some more ways or some more tips for challenging these norms? So, first, I would say, question the status quo. So regularly evaluate why you do things a certain way and whether it aligns with your authentic self. So, for me, I check myself let’s figure out why we think this way. Let’s think about why we do certain things this way. And then secondly, encourage open communication. So foster an environment where your team feels safe to express themselves and share new ideas. And third, lead by example, demonstrate authenticity in your actions and your decisions, inspiring your team to also do the same.
And fourth, really, really, really important is celebrate differences. Recognize and celebrate the unique contributions of each team member. Next, let’s talk about controlling the energy in your business. And this concept was inspired by my late great grandmother, who I loved and admired I so much. She was truly one of the kindest souls. And growing up, I just loved being around her, and I just love how she treated everyone with love and respect. And people were naturally drawn to her. And I witnessed this one because my grandparents were.
They lived in the boondock, so we lived in the country already, rural south, but they live way in the country. So if you wanted to visit them, you had to really want to visit them, because it. It was totally out of the way. But the beautiful thing about it was she always had visitors, people always stopping by. And I can’t even remember if I’ve ever, in all of my years, remember if she locked her doors, because this lady was just blessed and protected, but her home was always like that, open space. And so growing up, I was just like, this is how I want to be. This is how I want to show up in the world. And even though my grandmother was the kindest person, it was like, you also knew not to mess with her, so she didn’t play.
So growing up, also, as you may or may not know, I grew up with very humble beginnings. And one of the things that I always speak about is being from these humble beginnings, I also grew up around a family that was very kind. They never let their circumstances define them. So when it comes to controlling the energy, think that’s also where I picked up these things. But then also on top of that, it was during COVID I was reminded of how important community and the kindness of my family, it just imbibed all of these things. And this time, for me, it really tested, is for a lot of people, really tested relationships, even in business. And I saw how it built stronger bonds with community and customers, and it reminded me of, no matter where you were in the world, just a shared humanity. And so this inspired me to be more intentional and show up differently, spreading kindness, and, as Dana would say, disrupting delightfully.
So as a leader, it’s a wonderful reminder to remember that your energy is contagious and it influences your team, your clients, and your overall business environment. So by being intentional about the energy that you bring, you can create a space where everyone feels motivated and inspired. So for me, controlling the energy means being mindful of my attitude, my interactions, and my presence. And it’s also about showing up with positivity and enthusiasm, even on those tough days. Because when you lead with good energy, it sets the stage for success, and it fosters a supportive and a collaborative environment. So I encourage you in this moment to take some time to think about the energy that you are bringing to your business. Are you setting a positive tone? How can you be more intentional about the energy that you project? And some of these small changes can make a big difference in creating a positive and productive work environment. So some tips for controlling the energy is one set daily intention.
So I advise starting your day with a positive intention and focus on maintaining that energy throughout the day. So for me, I really focus on making sure that I get a good night’s rest and also a good breakfast, because I can get hangry. I love breakfast. So if I don’t have breakfast, I’m a little irritated. And then this helps me start the day with good intentions, really being intentional about going out into the world and being kind, interacting with my team, with kindness, grace, and understanding. Now, let’s talk about becoming, I mentioned this a little bit before, but becoming the change that you want to see. And as I mentioned, I was really led to talk about this from also the importance of as a black business owner, we are setting the tone. We are redefining what business is.
So as you’re listening to this, be proactive and think about the impact that what you’re building, the impact of when you are going out into the world, interacting with clients, interacting with potential clients, how you are representing the community as well. So this journey of embracing authenticity isn’t just about you. It’s about the impact that you also have on others. So when I started black to business, I wanted to change how people perceive black businesses. I wanted to show that we do do business in excellence, that we are innovative and capable of great success. But I realized that I had to start with myself. I had to embrace my role as a leader and be the change that I wanted to see. And going back, even to growing up, I also think about, it wasn’t a lot of complaining.
It was like, we just do the work. If you don’t like something, you just do it to change. Do something to change it. And so I apply that same approach in business. So I knew that if I’m complaining about okay or if I’m seeing that this is an issue, maybe I should do something about it. So by showing up authentically and leading by example, I understood that I could inspire others to do the same. So for you, it’s just the same. You create that ripple effect that can transform your industry and your community.
And it’s also about being true to yourself and encouraging others to do the same. So by no means when I am going out here and doing business, I’m feeling that I have to overcompensate. I’m showing up authentically as myself. I’m saying yes to what I want to say yes to. I’m saying no to what I don’t want to say yes to. So it’s about doing what’s right for me and showing up in a way that I’m proud of. So think about how you can lead by example in your business, how you can inspire your team and your community by being true to yourself. So reflect on how do I want to show up.
How can I make sure that I am being true to myself and also becoming the change that I want to see? And a few tips that I have in my notes on this and becoming the change that you want to see is one, lead with integrity. Make decisions based on your values and principles, setting an example for others to follow. And then two, mentorship. Mentor others in your industry, sharing your journey and encouraging them to embrace being who they are. And then three, I would say community engagement. Get involved in your community and use your platform to advocate for a positive change. This is something that I am working on even more this year is how can I be involved in community activities, roles, and share in that way? Continue to see spaces that I can show up and to represent. And then for, I would say, continuous learning.
Like we don’t have it all figured out. If you’re a business owner wanting to stay ahead of the curve, you always have to be learning how to become a better leader. So commit to this lifelong learning and personal growth and inspiring others to do the same. Same. And now let’s talk about the importance of showing up daily, authentically, because this is not an overnight process. It’s something that has to be practiced and worked on, but you have to do it on a daily basis. So it’s not about just showing up authentically in those big moments. It’s about being true to yourself every single day.
And so one of the things I mentioned before is that I laugh a lot in business, but I also mean business. So some days I’m extra and then some days I’m extra quiet and that’s okay. So being authentic means one embracing all these parts of yourselves and letting them shine through in your business. I think it’s a difference. I can feel the energy shift when I show up to meeting with a smile versus I’m showing up like the day has truly beat me up and got the best of me. So I rather show up in that way. And I think that that’s what feels great to me. And then when you’re also showing up authentically daily, you attract those opportunities and people who resonate with you.
You create a business culture that’s genuine and inspiring, so you don’t have to be afraid to be yourself. Whether you are feeling energetic or introspective, your authenticity is your superpower. So I’d say reflect on your daily routines and how you can incorporate more of showing up as yourself in your business practices. Small changes in how you show up every day can have a huge impact on your success and fulfillment. So even if it’s like, you know, you’ve been showing up to the office with a sour face, tomorrow, go in with a smile. Some more tips I have for this is one authentic communication. Communicate openly and honestly with your team and clients every single day. I don’t think it’s the best to show up and say I’m having the worst day ever because again, the energy is contagious and I think it is important to work through those things before you show up with others so that you are making sure that your energy isn’t jumping off on others.
So that might mean if I know that I got a call to show up to and maybe it might mean I’m not feeling the best today, but I might need to reschedule because I know I can show up and I want to show up as my best. So in that way, I encourage you, rather than showing up with the bad energy, just reschedule. And then secondly, I would say consistent actions ensure that your daily actions align with your values and the authentic image that you want to project. And third, I would say self care. Take care of your physical and your mental well being, allowing you to show up again as your best. And fourth, I would say authentic branding. Make sure that your branding and your marketing materials reflect your true self essence of your business because there’s nothing worse than showing up to a business that is not representing you. If it is like a bland box and you know you’re a fun, creative person, please rebrand and create something that feels right for you.
And as we wrap up this episode, I want to remind you that it’s okay to say this isn’t how I’ve been showing up, but this is how I’m going to show up moving forward. So take some of these tips that I’ve said and apply them to your day. Start today, start tomorrow, and know that this is your business. You’ve built this so you have the power to change your mind. And it’s not just about doing this because it sounds cool. It’s a way of being that can transform again your life and your business, but then also your community. So I encourage you to reflect on your journey and think about how you can show up more authentically in your business. Embrace who you are, challenge the norms and control the energy, and most importantly, be the change you want to see.
Thank you so, so much for tuning into this episode and being a part of the black to business family. I can’t thank you enough and let you know that your commitment and your growth and excellence inspires us each and every day. I’m so proud that you are going along this business journey with us and that you have allowed black to business to be a part of your journey. So remember, the decisions you make today have the power to impact your tomorrow. Choose authenticity, embrace change, and let’s continue to push the culture forward. I will see you back here next week, same time, same place, later.