
October 19, 2015

Banishing Fear and Choosing Faith


I’ve noticed that in many aspiring entrepreneurs, myself included, a central motif that keeps resurfacing is the feeling of fear and self-doubt. While some take that fear and leverage it as as a challenge to overcome, others decide to retreat into their emotions, never even finding the courage to begin. I know because I was there. I was so stifled by fear that I couldn’t move forward. I was stagnant. But rather than being controlled by my emotions, I decided to master them.The key to self-mastery all begins where these emotions and thoughts originate…the mind.

So let’s examine those thoughts. Oftentimes, when we set our mind to do something, everything starts to arise to counteract that goal. We will call those purpose blockers/haters. And the sad thing is that not only can people serve as those purpose blockers, but we can serve as those too.

Your thoughts are the number one thing that contribute to your actions. Your thoughts produce emotions, emotions produce actions, and your actions produce results. I can almost guarantee you that if you’re not seeing any results, it’s because you are being stifled by fearful thoughts. Here are some actionable tips to banish fear and start making steps to achieving your goals:

1) Capture the negativity. Stop letting those negative thoughts consume you. You have the power to stop those contradicting thoughts from detering you from pursuing your purpose.

2) Write those negative thoughts down. There is something about writing things down that rationalizes reality. Write down the thought and really uncover the reasons why you are having those thoughts.

3) Determine your desired feeling. What thoughts do you need to think to create your desired emotion? Remember that your results all stem from a thought.

4) Start choosing faith over fear. When fear attacks your mind, combat that fear by choosing faith. Faith says that you are more than equipped and capable to follow and live out your dreams.

What are you doing to cast down those fearful thoughts? The number one predictor of your results is your thoughts. If you are telling yourself that you are capable and you can do all things, than you will achieve the goals that you have set to accomplish because your mind has already produced that action.
If you want to free yourself from negative thoughts to start moving forward in your purpose and destiny, email with subject line Black To Business for a complimentary “Clear the Clutter Clarity Session.
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