
Kiana Amber StLouis

Kiana St Louis is a Brooklyn-based life and love blogger and freelance writer in NYC. She is the author behind the trending blog 100 Days of Dating and has also written for Adobe's 99U, the Yellow Blog, has been published in two literary journals and seven 99U Magazines. She also currently works as the brand manager for a new lipstick line called Cee Cosmetics. Kiana is a storyteller, a hopeful romantic, and lover of fashion. When she's not pouring her truth into words, she assists in on-call personal styling. To keep up with Ki, follow her on Instagram, Wordpress and Twitter!

It Takes Focus

It’s easy to run when you have a destination. It’s easy to sing when you know the words to a song. It’s easy to travel when you know where you’re going. Things just seem to be better when you are confident in your next steps. However, I’ve found that many […]

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