Get Out Your Own Way

“Work-life balance” has been the catch-phrase, buzzword, and almost impossible vision for many that made decision to hop into the work-force willing to do what it takes to earn a reasonable salary. It feels impossible to spend as much time with the people and activities that bring true fulfillment. Even when the workplace attempts to provide solutions to allow more time at home, the lack of change in the workload or demand makes the situation exactly the same.
Imagine a life where your vision is created from the integration of work and everything that creates happiness. Maybe it’s not about the balance of work and “life”, or maybe you don’t have to choose one thing over another, but living life from making a powerful choice of doing exactly what you want and making every decision based on your vision. Integrating your love and your passion into your daily routine to the point where you start getting paid for it. Waking up with the only thought of putting in the work necessary to reach that next milestone or achieve that next goal. “Work-life integration”.
Work-life integration is making the decision to create a reality from vision. Painting the Picasso of dreams and blending work into reality in a way where the lines of balance are completely blurred and life is lived in complete satisfaction. The journey you travel still has it’s ups, downs, set-backs and lessons learned, but they are taken with breath of knowing that you are doing what it takes to finalize your exquisite masterpiece.
I’m sure that this isn’t the first time you attempted to paint this picture. So what happened? Where did you stop? Hold your life from the perspective that work and life seamlessly integrate and don’t give up on yourself, your dreams, and your family. Make the tough choices and do not look back with regret, but forward with gratitude and accomplishment. Be a true leader, an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurship doesn’t mean you have to stop where you are now and make drastic change; but it does mean that you make a similar commitment to your life as a whole as you did when you first accepted the position you’re sitting in now. Elevate your thought processes from “how to make life easier” to “what actions will allow me to work smarter and stronger”. Life is nothing more than a series of choices, actions, and commitments. It may not be about having one or the other, but deciding to have it all and deciding not to give up until you see it through.
It is easier said than done. However, after you take your first step you’ll soon take your second and realize you’re walking. Once you learn to walk you may decide to run then transition to light-jog, quick sprints, or marathons. Eventually you will finish each race with little thought to what was said and realize that your win was 100% based on you.
The secret is you.