It Takes Focus

It’s easy to run when you have a destination. It’s easy to sing when you know the words to a song. It’s easy to travel when you know where you’re going. Things just seem to be better when you are confident in your next steps. However, I’ve found that many of us aren’t as confident as we present ourselves. Many of us are present each day to work or the daily grind, yet are passionless. We aimlessly walk through halls, attend meetings with no drive or attention, or simply want more but never act on it. Without focus we can easily become our own kryptonite.
Drive. Focus. Passion. These are the essentials we need not only to be great but also to truly build our own dreams as opposed to helping build the dreams of others. Without a focus, you are triggered to put your energy, time, and money into people, projects, or even a job that will inevitably take you nowhere. Without a drive, you will be lackadaisical in all of your pursuits. It’s hard to put 100% into something that you don’t care enough about. Without your own passion, you can be easily seduced to follow the ways of anyone or anything that comes along. Your passion is what wakes you up in the morning, what motivates you to achieve your goals, and what is to become the foundation of the future you build.
Today more than ever, our world needs our passion, our ideas, and our voices. It is easy to obtain things such as money, clothes, or other materialistic possessions but how many of us can truly take ownership of business, property, or organizations? These days, our youth is consumed by instant gratification. Young men and women want the lives they see on Instagram, will kill, steal, or lie for likes on Facebook, and want their peers to see how minimal work can lead to temporary success on Snapchat. This is because somehow we’ve talked less about the importance of having a passion to fuel goals and instead simply showcase our successes with no explanation of the process.
We are responsible for our youth. We must be responsible for each other. It is our obligation to teach with focus. We have to encourage ourselves as well as others to dream, to plan, and to fight for something we believe in. We must ask ourselves: What problem in today’s world do we want to solve? What are we most excited about? When we envision our future, what do we see?
Answering questions like these can help shape focus, create a drive, and ultimately develop a passion. We must stand by something we believe in, for if we don’t, we’ll fall for anything.