

black men

It’s More Than Just A Hue: Behind BLACK Magazine

The underground artists surrounding the creative depths of NYC have always motivated and inspired me to write. After taking a magazine writing course in college, I decided it was time to design something of my own. One night I was awakened by a rush of ideas. I started developing the layout for my magazine and I didn’t stop […]

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4 Reasons why you NEED to get Black to Business

In the words of Minister Louis Farrakahn: “Let us get up from the foot of our 400-year-old enemy and stop being beggars and start thinking of ourselves as builders!” We have so much power and no understanding of how to use it, but no more. Here are four reasons why you should support black-owned businesses: […]

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New Impact

DIFFICULTY ACCESSING EXPERTISE AND BUSINESS SERVICES Only 58% of Black owners sought professional services, for reasons including expense, inaccessibility, and mistrust, compared with 70 percent of white owners LACK OF ACCESS TO NETWORKS THAT CAN HELP SUPPORT AND PROMOTE The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) found in 2016 that Black-owned businesses saw less utilization relative […]

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187: Building Without Limits: Reaching Your Full Potential in Business w/ Kristen V. Carter

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of “building without limits” resonates deeply with entrepreneurs striving to make their mark. It’s about embracing the notion that success knows no bounds, and the only limits are the ones we impose upon ourselves.   That’s where we come in. We understand the challenges and uncertainties that come with […]

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144: Turning Your Passion Project Into A Business

Name: Monique T. Marshall Business Name: Black To Business Current Title: Founder Location: Brooklyn, NY Educational Background: Howard University   About Monique: Monique T. Marshall is an Entrepreneur, Thought-Leader, and Influencer.  As the Chief-in-Charge of Black to Business, a platform providing Black entrepreneurs with the resources and connections to start and grow their businesses. Monique has furthered this mission through […]

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