Donations as small as $1-$5 are very helpful and appreciated.

If you can’t Donate, please like, reblog and share it on Facebook(Sharing on Facebook is soooo important).

We will be in the Northern City of Chaing Mai where we will volunteer at their world famous Elephant Park. We will be feeding and nurturing the Endangered Asian Elephants, as well as being educated on these peaceful creatures. Another opportunity that we are partaking in, is at the Sahai Nan Organic Permaculture Farm. This is a 100% sustainable, organic farm, and we will be there helping to preserve the sustainability of this farm with the area’s natives.  

So far we have contacted the agencies and arranged plans to be in Thailand from the end of September until October. We have our passports in hand and are ready to go!  With your assistance, you can be a part of the thought, that enacts action and exhibits change in the world! THANK YOU!!


2015 Police Killings Officially Surpass Insane--703 And Counting

2015 Police Killings Officially Surpass Insane–703 And Counting

Police have killed 703 people as of Friday morning. Of those 703, 556 were carrying a deadly weapon. 37 had “vehicle” listed as their weapon, 23 carried toy weapons, 65 were unarmed and 24 are listed as “unknown.” Less than half of those killed in a country that is 77 percent  caucasian were white. Those are the statistics, as reported by the Washington Post. While statistics can be a bit rocky,…

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Blessed Friday Souls or as I like to say Flexy Fridays. Each day you will be greeted by a different iRie Yogi going over a particular asana. Flexy Fridays are mine ( @jacofalltrades7 ) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana aka Upward Facing Dog This asana is a beautiful opener/stretch for your chest, shoulders, triceps, lower back and your quads. Incorporating this asana in your everyday Sun Salutations will only benefit your body in many ways, most importantly to me it’s a “full body” stretch. As for chakras this is a heart chakra opener! Enjoy your night blessed ones. #iRieYogis #yoga #colorsofyoga #yogaofcolor #blackyogis #yogayardie #blackmendoyoga #yogaforbeginners #urdvadhanurasana #upwardfacingdog by irieyogis

Do you want to start yoga today??? Order Deft Yoga Dudes: Getting Started With Yoga: A Guide for Men to Get Off the Couch and Into a Better Life

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller ________________________________________ For my first post, in a bit, I decided to do a progress pic from right around my 2wk of my #mysoreashtangapractice and this week. As a teacher and student, I’m always looking for ways to continue to develop and begging #Ashtanga was my new process for growth. Although I still don’t consider myself an “Ashtangi” - b/c I reserve that for those that have been practicing for at least 6mths. - the Ashtangi Family @sacredsoundsyoga, with “poppa” @sadhannainthecity and “mamma” @miaow_or_never as well as, the “crazy aunt” @omie_yogini and all of their “children” @wholesomeseeds, @exrpan @santavb @claujoneto @butterelixir and MANY, MANY more (it’s packed in there during the time given) have welcomed me and shown me ways to “build the new model” that has access to asanas that were previously thought inaccessible making the “former model” obsolete. Although I’m finding #AdhoMukhaVrksasana // #Handstand more accessible as a result of my ashtanga practice, my supreme joy came yesterday when I accessed Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottasana (with an assist from @sadhannainthecity of course) for the first time!!! Just never thought is physically be able to do it and I did!! Mind BLOWN!!! Now I don’t see asanas as “yea, never” but as “when the body is ready” ✌🏼️❤️🙏🏼😁 ________________________________________ #fitfam #igyoga #igyogafam #thisainteasy #yogadudes #yogamen #realmendoyoga #yogaformen #yogadude #mendoyoga #brogi #dudesdoyoga #musclesandyoga #yogamenofcolor #breakingbarriers #strengthandflexibility #yogawellness #yogaanywhereanytime #YogacOMmUNITY#yogaeverydamnday #yogawellness #yogagivesmelife #yogalife #omies #mensyoga #bigboyyoga #namastebitches 😁😘❤️😘📷 @quinas_seed. by musclehead_yogi

Do you want to start yoga today??? Order Deft Yoga Dudes: Getting Started With Yoga: A Guide for Men to Get Off the Couch and Into a Better Life